Mayor Edgardo L. Timbol together with Vice Mayor Maria Theresa R. Timbol support Municipal Cooperative Month Celebration 2014 Opening Salvo thru the Public Employment and Services Office at the Kapalong Town Square with a theme, “Collaborative and Innovative Cooperation” last September 29, 2014.
The active mayor pointed out his heartfelt gratitude to the great impact of cooperatives in economic stability of the municipality. “I am very much thankful for the progress of our municipality with the help of different cooperatives that offer good livelihood programs for our people”, Mayor Timbol expressed.
To continue reaching their endeavors as dynamic cooperatives in the municipality of Kapalong, there were 21 who joined the opening salvo and showcase their talents aside from handling financial matters. To be exact the following cooperatives which participated the said celebration are KC, PAGFAMCO, KAMAVECO, KKCC, KAPETERCO, UKOD-DC, ASFARBEMCO, SAMRARBCO, SKLUC,CUCC, FABMC, KAPAMCO, AMSKARBEMCO, PARBEMCO, KAGOECO, UFARBEMCO, SARBEMCO, AMSEFCO, CAMONING BANANA CONSUMERS COOP, GREENGOLD HERITAGE ANDCOOPERATIVE.
“Cooperatives serve as a formal vehicle that allows people improve their welfare and play a generous role in the community as democratically controlled enterprise”, Milagros V. Gutierez, representative of DOLE Provincial Director said.
SB Officials, particularly Hon. Porferio Tuna, Hon. Robert Caminero and Hon. DominadorCruda III took a place in the celebration as they encouraged the members and officers of different cooperatives to work hand in hand for the betterment of everyone.